I'm a reading specialist who has been teaching for over 20 years in public schools. This is my new blog, where I hope to share my love of teaching literacy and creating things with children.
When teaching, I love to focus on connecting the arts with reading as much as possible, since that is such a meaningful and engaging way to get kids reading. Nonfiction topics and projects are also important in my teaching. We know that all children have multiple intelligences and learn in many different ways--and hands-on is one of the best ways to get them excited about learning. This is how I get to see each one's special talent.
I have created materials and lesson plans for students for at least 20 years...and have found it to be unexpectedly rewarding and engaging as I was learning along with my students. Becoming a better teacher has been an unforeseen consequence from creating resources.
How did I come up with "Growing Smart Readers"? This blog began after I started my TpT store in the fall of 2012. One October day, I saw Deanna Jump on TV and heard all about how she got started with Teachers Pay Teachers, an open marketplace for teachers who want to create products to sell. It was then that I realized that if I loved making my own resources for my students, why not try selling some of them. After creating my first one, I was hooked. The truth is, every time I create a lesson or a unit, I learn along with the kids. I feel doing TpT has made me think harder about how to be a better teacher, too. Plus, I had fun doing it. My store has gradually evolved over the years, and although I'm not all about making a ton of money, it helps to make a little extra...because we teachers are always buying supplies here and there for our students! It has helped pay the bills, too, of course!
So, creating resources has become my hobby for weekends and vacations. Those are the most productive times for me--when I can relax and let my mind go!
Well enough about me....
Thank you for stopping by and taking time to read this!
Happy Teaching and Growing your own Smart Readers!
PS. Please do not pin this on Pinterest. Thanks.