Monday, May 25, 2015
Fossil Fun
Fossils are fun every year -- especially for second graders! We had a great time wrapping up our dinosaur studies last week. I am always amazed at how a simple flour and salt dough recipe can make such realistic fossil imprints. A little paint and Modge Podge also add a special flair. Here are a few examples of our artifacts!
K is for Kindness (And Yes! Kindness Matters!)
Hello! January is on the downside slope and we're quickly approaching February. But it's not too late to start the year with a re...

Frosty will never grow old! Nor will the tale of this affable guy. But this is just a twist on his story. I would love to put up a reade...
This is a little bell-shaped book that you'll find templates for inside my newest creation. I created Five Silver Bells with hopes that ...
My kids read from our Houghton-Mifflin Anthology, "The Curve in the River", an excerpt from The Stories Julian Tells, by ...