Thursday, April 30, 2015

Hand-made Swatters for Sight Words

Swattin' Words? But what do you do when you need fly swatters for a word game, and you can't get your hands on any?

Make your own word grabbers! Instead of fly swatters, we rolled up construction paper and stapled a paper hand to each rolled "arm" or stick.  I used Krista Wallden's free dotty hand clip art (from teachers pay teachers) for the hands. You can find her great clip art here: Creative Clips, and her dotty hands are here: Handful of Dots.

This was easy and fun. I set out several sight word flash cards at a time. Then I called out words for them to smack. My boys were competitive but could not stop laughing as they read their words. This is an old favorite activity for word recognition. I have done all kinds of versions of this. If you haven't tried it, you've got to! And if you don't have any fly swatters on hand, make your own!

K is for Kindness (And Yes! Kindness Matters!)

Hello!   January is on the downside slope and we're quickly approaching February.  But it's not too late to start the year with a re...