I've been thinking about thank you's and how I need to let people know how much I appreciate them. It's so easy to slide into the end of the school year and just "make do" with our thank you's. But this year, I really want to say Thank You! I was thinking about all the people I work with, and then suddenly without realizing it, my "list" grew longer by the second. I realized I could not stop thinking about ALL the people who are in my life...my family (whose unconditional love keeps me going), my fellow teaching colleagues (whose support keeps me strong, assuring me that I'm doing my job well), the custodian (whose long hours of hard work make my room sparkle, giving me a fresh start to the day), the school administrators (whose faith in my professionalism strengthens me), and of course, the cooks (whose preparation of hundreds of meals a week keeps us well-fed), and still more... a big thank you to the parent volunteers and PTA (whose help and resources enable me to teach my best), and finally--yes, I'm so thankful to the children I teach, because they do the biggest part of making my job purposeful and rewarding. Without them, there's no teaching...and I wouldn't be learning from them, either. Aww, the list goes on and on..... But I'll stop for now.
Then, I remembered to remember... it's almost Memorial Day! A time to remember all those who made my job and everything (all of the above and more) possible. I thank the veterans and the people who have served our country, and those who are serving still. I thank our veterans for enabling me to teach in a public school with freedom of speech and all the perks that go with being an American.
Thank you All! And to those I have not listed...you are on my mind, too.
K is for Kindness (And Yes! Kindness Matters!)
Hello! January is on the downside slope and we're quickly approaching February. But it's not too late to start the year with a re...

Frosty will never grow old! Nor will the tale of this affable guy. But this is just a twist on his story. I would love to put up a reade...
This is a little bell-shaped book that you'll find templates for inside my newest creation. I created Five Silver Bells with hopes that ...
My kids read from our Houghton-Mifflin Anthology, "The Curve in the River", an excerpt from The Stories Julian Tells, by ...