Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Making the Most of Winter Break

Yay! It's vacation--and I'm not going anywhere! I'm just happy to relax and have no commitments this week. Of course, I have a huge list that I compiled weeks before, with grossly unrealistic expectations of all the school work and house work I'm going to do to catch up this week. Well, the truth is, I haven't started anything yet, and here it is Tuesday!

My second cup of coffee should do it! Then, I'll get going with my list of to-do's! Well, at least I'll attempt it....

Meanwhile, if you are a teacher and have this week off for winter break, I hope you get rejuvenated, and have a chance to go to some place warm. If you are a parent with kids at home....enjoy this time with every ounce of love and might!  My kids are all grown, and boy!---do I miss those laid back vacation days. I miss the spontaneous field trips to the local museums and library--or just watching them hang out with their friends in the kitchen eating pizza. Sorry. I'm a little sentimental--but I'll get over it. Got some shoveling to do!


K is for Kindness (And Yes! Kindness Matters!)

Hello!   January is on the downside slope and we're quickly approaching February.  But it's not too late to start the year with a re...